HE Jiaqing

Department Chair (2015-2024.4)

Jiaqing He is a Chair professor at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). He received his joint Ph.D. degree in physics from both Juelich Research Center and Wuhan University in 2004. He was a post-doctor at Brookhaven National Laboratory (2004–2008), research associate (2008– 2010) and research assistant professor (2010–2012) at Northwestern University, and a professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University (2012–2013) and SUSTech (2013-2019). His research interests include transmission electron microscopy, thermoelectric materials, and structure and property relationship.

TONG, S.Y. David

Founding Department Chair (2011-2014)

David Shuk Yin Tong is an academician of the CAS and TWAS, Fellow of the American Physics Society and an expert in surface science and technology. He graduated from the Faculty of Science, the University of Hong Kong in 1964, and received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in 1967 and 1969, respectively. Tang Shuxian has authored 6 books and published more than 280 journal articles, including 2 articles in Science, 2 articles in Physics Today, 1 article in Advances in Physics, 1 article in Progress in Surface Science, 1 article in Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences and 35 articles in Physical Review Letters. His total citation is over 10,000 and H factor 52.