HUANG Mingyuan Associate Professor


Office:College of Science P3113

Research Areas

  • Quantum Materials Spectroscopy
  • 2-dimensional Materails Spectroscopy

Educational Background

2004.09-2009.09 Columbia University,Ph.D

2001.09-2004.07 University of Science and Technology of China,M. S.

1997.09-2001.07 University of Science and Technology of China,B. S.

Professional Experience

2013.09-Present Southern University of Science and Technology, Associate Professor

2012.10-2013.08 Xi’an Jiaotong University, Professor

2009.09-2012.09 California Institute of Technology, Post-doc

Honors & Awards

2009 Dissertation with distinction, Columbia University 

Selected Publication

1. Mingyuan Huang, Tod A. Pascal, Hyungjun Kim, William A. Goddard III, Julia R. Greer, “Electronic-mechanical coupling in graphene from in-situ nanoindentation experiments and multiscale atomistic simulations”, Nano Letters, 2011, 11,1241-1246

2. Mingyuan Huang, Hugen Yan, Tony F. Heinz, James Hone, “Probing strain-induced electronic structure change in graphene by Raman spectroscopy”, Nano Letters, 2010, 10, (10), 4074-4079,

3. Mingyuan Huang, Hugen Yan, Changyao Chen, Daohua Song, Tony F. Heinz, James Hone, “Raman Spectroscopy of Graphene under Uniaxial Stress: Phonon Softening and Determination of Crystallography Orientation”, PNAS 2009, 106, (18), 7304-7308,

4. Mingyuan Huang, Yang Wu, Bhupesh Chandra, Hugen Yan, Yuyao Shan, Tony F. Heinz, J. Hone, “Direct Measurement of Strain-induced Changes in the Band Structure of Carbon Nanotubes,” Phys. Rev. Lett . 100, 136803 (2008),