LI Baowen Chair Professor

Office:College of Science P4075

Personal Profile

Professor LI Baowen, a selected Member of Academia Europaea, Fellow of the American Physical Society. He is a pioneer in the emerging research field - phononics and thermal meta materials. He is the inventor of thermal diodes, thermal triodes, thermal logic gates, thermal memory and electronic speed self-heating methods for measuring thermal resistance. He reveals the topological properties of phonons, invention of new design principle of phonon laser. He has co-authored more than 400 papers, which have been cited over 32500 times with an h-index of 96. He also delivered more than 300 conference reports, keynote addresses, and invited speeches. He has received different kinds of awards, including the 2005 Singapore National Science Award, the 2005 Asian Achievement Award of the Physical Society for Overseas Chinese, and the 2017 International Phonon Society Brillouin Medal. Prof.

Research Areas

  • Phononics
  • Phononic thermal transport in micro and nano scale
  • measuring techniques in nanoscale heat transfer
  • non-equilibrium statistical physics
  • nonlinear dynamics and chaos
  • quantum chaos
  • quantum sensing
  • inverse scattering problem
  • thermal intelligent materials (TIM)
  • acoustical
  • thermal and mechanical metamaterials
  • thermal management
  • solid state cooling

Educational Background

1992—Ph. D in Physics, Carl-von-Ossietzky Universitat Oldenburg, Germany

1989—M. Sci in Acoustics, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Science, China

1985— B. Sci in Physics, Nanjing University, China

Professional Experience

2/2021-present Department of Material Science & Engineering, Department of Physics, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen

8/2015 - 6/2023 Rennie Family Endowed Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder

1/2007 - 8/2015 Professor of Physics, National University of Singapore (NUS)

7/2003 - 12/2006 Associate Professor (with tenure) of Physics, NUS

7/2000 - 6/2003 Assistant Professor of Physics, NUS

6/1996 - 6/2000 Senior Research Fellow, HKBU

Honors & Awards

2017 Elected Member of Academia Europaea (MAE)

2017 Brillouin Medal, IPS (International Phononics Society)

2013 Fellow of APS (American Physical Society)

2012 National Professorship, The state specially recruited experts, China

2008 Outstanding Scientist, Faculty of Science, National University of Singapore (NUS)

2005 National Science Award, Singapore

2005 Achievement in Asia Award, International Organization of Chinese Physicists and

Astronomers (OCPA)

2003 NUS 2003 Young Researcher Award

1990 - 1993 Max-Planck Scholarship, the Max-Planck Society, Germany

Selected Publication

Research ID: 0000-0002-8728-520X

1.  声子学:热能调控,  Rev Mod Phys 84,1045 (2012)。

2:  微纳米材料声子热学性质 ,  Rev Mod. Phys 90,041002 (2018)

3:  界面热阻的前世,今生和来世,  Rev Mod. Phys, 94, 025002 (2022)

4:热超材料和器件:变革热流调控, Nat. Rev. Mat. 6, 488 (2021)

5:机器学习辅助热超结构材料设计与优化,Chem Rev 124, 4258 (2024)