speaker:沈健 教授
host:何佳清 讲席教授
time:Monday, October 30, 16:00-17:30
place:Room P1078, College of Science
time:Tuesday, October 24, 10:00-12:00
place:Room P1078, College of Science
speaker:李源, 副教授, 北京大学
host:吴留锁, 副教授
time:Friday, October 20, 10:00 -11:00 am
place:Room P1078, College of Science
speaker:王猛, 教授, 中山大学
time:Thursday, October 19, 10:00 - 11:00 am
place:Room P1078, College of Science
speaker:Kuijuan JIN
host:Jiaqing HE
time:16:00 -17:30pm, Oct.10, 2023
place:Room 1142, College of Science
speaker:李丹枫 , 香港城市大学助理教授
host:Zhuoyu CHEN (Associate Professor)
time:Tuesday, September 26, 16:00 -17:00 pm
place:Room P1078, College of Science
Tencent Meeting:859 511 060
speaker:翁红明, 研究员, 中国科学院物理研究所
host:Yujie SUN (Associate Professor)
time:Monday, September 25, 10:00 -11:00 am
speaker:吴克辉, 研究员, 中国科学院物理研究所
time:Wednesday, September 20 , 10:00 -11:00 am
place:Room 1142, College of Science
Tencent Meeting:626 789 421
speaker:时钟, 教授, 同济大学
time:Monday, September 18, 10:30 - 11:30 am
place:Room P1078, College of Science
Tencent Meeting:360 965 583