Hong Kong-Shenzhen Workshop on Quantum Information Science Launched in SUSTech


From 21st to 24th May, 2018, the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Workshop on Quantum Information Science was held in Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). The workshop was jointly organized by the Department of Physics, SUSTech and Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering (SIQSE). The workshop invited more than 30 experts in the in the field of quantum information from famous universities in China and abroad, including Oxford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Tokyo, University of Technology Sydney, Nanyang Technological University, Hong Kong University and so on. This workshop aims to discuss the frontier issues of quantum information and promote cooperation and exchanges in related fields in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. 

Academician Dapeng Yu made a speech on behalf of SIQSE at the beginning of the workshop. He briefly introduced the history and the development of SUSTech and SIQSE he also welcomed the experts and wished the workshop a success. 

The conference invited 24 speakers, such as Mile Gu (Nanyang Technological University), Mio Murao (the University of Tokyo), Masahito Hayashi (the University of Tokyo, SIQSE, Singapore Quantum Technology Center) Mingsheng Ying(Sydney University of Technology) and Dax Enshan Koh (MIT),to make academic presentations. These talks covered a broad set of topics, ranging from quantum information and quantum computation, to quantum statistics, quantum networks, and quantum foundations.

In the future, the Committee intends to organize the workshop into an annual high-quality academic workshop, providing an advanced communication platform for experts, scholars and students in the field of quantum information and related fields.

Associate Professors Man-Hong Yung, Oscar Dahlsten, and Assistant Professor Dawei Lu of the Department of Physics are the main organizers of this workshop. 

Please view the webpage for details: http://hkszqi.phy.sustc.edu.cn/.

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